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Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 34(3): 360-366, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407749


RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a aplicabilidade do Índice de Oxigenação Respiratória para identificar o risco de falha de cânula nasal de alto fluxo em pacientes com pneumonia. Métodos: Este estudo retrospectivo observacional de 2 anos foi realizado em um hospital de referência em Bogotá, na Colômbia. Incluíram-se no estudo todos os pacientes em que foi utilizada cânula nasal de alto fluxo pós-extubação como terapia-ponte para a extubação. O Índice de Oxigenação Respiratória foi calculado para avaliar o risco de falha pós-extubação de cânula nasal de alto fluxo. Resultados: Incluíram-se no estudo 162 pacientes. Destes, 23,5% apresentaram falha de cânula nasal de alto fluxo. O Índice de Oxigenação Respiratória foi significativamente menor em pacientes que tiveram falha de cânula nasal de alto fluxo. A mediana (IQ 25 - 75%) foi de 10,0 (7,7 - 14,4) versus 12,6 (10,1 - 15,6), com p = 0,006. O Índice de Oxigenação Respiratória > 4,88 apresentou razão de chances bruta de 0,23 (IC95% 0,17 - 0,30) e RC ajustada de 0,89 (IC95% 0,81 - 0,98) estratificada por gravidade e comorbidade. Após a análise de regressão logística, o Índice de Oxigenação Respiratória apresentou razão de chances ajustada de 0,90 (IC95% 0,82 - 0,98; p = 0,026). A área sob a curva Receiver Operating Characteristic para falha de extubação foi de 0,64 (IC95% 0,53 - 0,75; p = 0,06). O Índice de Oxigenação Respiratória não apresentou diferenças entre pacientes que sobreviveram e que morreram durante internação na unidade de terapia intensiva. Conclusão: O Índice de Oxigenação Respiratória é uma ferramenta acessível para identificar pacientes em risco de falha no tratamento pós-extubação com cânulas nasais de alto fluxo. Estudos prospectivos são necessários para ampliar a utilidade nesse cenário.

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the applicability of the Respiratory Rate-Oxygenation Index to identify the risk of high-flow nasal cannula failure in post-extubation pneumonia patients. Methods: This was a 2-year retrospective observational study conducted in a reference hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. All patients in whom post-extubation high-flow nasal cannula therapy was used as a bridge to extubation were included in the study. The Respiratory Rate-Oxygenation Index was calculated to assess the risk of post-extubation high-flow nasal cannula failure. Results: A total of 162 patients were included in the study. Of these, 23.5% developed high-flow nasal cannula failure. The Respiratory Rate-Oxygenation Index was significantly lower in patients who had high-flow nasal cannula failure [median (IQR): 10.0 (7.7 - 14.4) versus 12.6 (10.1 - 15.6); p = 0.006]. Respiratory Rate-Oxygenation Index > 4.88 showed a crude OR of 0.23 (95%CI 0.17 - 0.30) and an adjusted OR of 0.89 (95%CI 0.81 - 0.98) stratified by severity and comorbidity. After logistic regression analysis, the Respiratory Rate-Oxygenation Index had an adjusted OR of 0.90 (95%CI 0.82 - 0.98; p = 0.026). The area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve for extubation failure was 0.64 (95%CI 0.53 - 0.75; p = 0.06). The Respiratory Rate-Oxygenation Index did not show differences between patients who survived and those who died during the intensive care unit stay. Conclusion: The Respiratory Rate-Oxygenation Index is an accessible tool to identify patients at risk of failing high-flow nasal cannula post-extubation treatment. Prospective studies are needed to broaden the utility in this scenario.

Infectio ; 25(1): 16-21, ene.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1154396


Resumen Introducción: Los microorganismos capaces de producir carbapenemasas vienen incrementándose a nivel mundial y se han convertido en un problema de salud pública global. En Colombia actualmente la resistencia a carbapenémicos en las unidades de cuidado intensivo está aumentando y se desconoce su impacto en desenlaces clínicos. Objetivos: Determinar las características demográficas, clínicas, y los desenlaces de los pacientes adultos en estado crítico con infección por microorganismos productores de carbapenemasas en una unidad de cuidado intensivo polivalente de una institución de alta complejidad. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo, incluyendo pacientes con infección por bacterias resistentes a carbapenémicos, ingresados a la unidad de cuidado intensivo entre el 1 de Enero de 2014 y el 1 de Enero de 2018. Se excluyeron los pacientes colonizados. Se evaluaron complicaciones clínicas, estancia en UCI y hospitalaria, así como la mortalidad en UCI y hospitalaria. Resultados: Se incluyó 58 pacientes. La mortalidad global fue de 67,2%, de los cuales 55,17% murió durante su estancia en la unidad de cuidado intensivo y 12.06% en hospitalización. La mediana de estancia en la unidad de cuidado intensivo fue de 18 días (RIQ 4-28). La causa más frecuente de mortalidad fue choque séptico en 51% y las complicaciones más comunes fueron lesión renal aguda y delirium en un 55,2% y 43,1%, respectivamente. La mediana de estancia en la UCI fue de 18 días (RIQ 4-28). Conclusiones: Las infecciones por bacterias resistentes a carbapenémicos en pacientes críticamente enfermos se relacionan con altas tasas de mortalidad, complicaciones y estancia prolongada en UCI

Abstract Introduction: Microorganisms able to produce carbapenemases are spreading worldwide and have become a concerning global public-health problem. In Colombia, the Gram-negative resistance to carbapenems at intensive care units is currently increasing and its impact on clinical outcomes is not well known. Objectives: To determine the demographic, clinical characteristics and outcomes of critically ill adult patients with infection by carbapenemase producing bacteria in a polyvalent intensive care unit of a highly complex institution. Methods: Single-center retrospective, descriptive observational study including critically ill adult patients infected by carbapenemase-producing bacteria and transferred to a polyvalent intensive care unit from January 1th 2014 to January 1th 2018. Known colonized patients were excluded. Clinical complications, ICU and in-hospital days of stay were evaluated, as ICU and in-hospital mortality. Results: A total of 58 patients were included. Overall mortality was 67.2%, of which 55.17% died during their stay in the intensive care unit and 12.06% in hospitalization. The median stay in the intensive care unit was 18 days (IQR 4-28). The most frequent cause of death was septic shock in 51% and the most common complications were acute renal injury and delirium in 55.2% and 43.1%, respectively. The median stay in the ICU was 18 days (RIQ 4-28). Conclusions: Infections caused by carbapenem-resistant bacteria in critically ill patients are associated with high mortality rates, complications and long stay in ICU.

Bacteria , Hospital Mortality , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Carbapenems , Cross Infection , Colombia , Hospitalization , Hospitals , Infections , Intensive Care Units